6 June 2021

Assignment: ELT-2, ePortfolios


 Ø Name:- Sanjaykumar N Jogadiya.

Ø Subject:- ELT-2

Ø Paper No.16

Ø Topic:- ePortfolios

     Ø Part:- M.A. Sem-4

Ø RollNo.24,   

Ø EnrollmentNo:-2069108420200017

Ø  Email Id:- snjogadiya@amail.com

Ø  Submitted:- Smt. S.B. Gardi Department of  English  MK Bhavnagar  University.

ePortfolios comes in the form of a theory of learning called social creativity, which in part suggests that when students create systems of knowledge for themselves, it simply happens to be effective, rather than simply presenting information. Social creativity also suggests that another determinant of effective learning is that it takes place in a social context - that is, we bind our knowledge through dialogue and interaction with others. With ePortfolios, the process of reflection emerges as a stand-alone activity, but through the feedback loop the student's instructor, peers, mentors, and family members also reflect and provide comments about that reflection. Creating and sharing an e-portfolio with others is like telling a story: the story of one's learning journey. Some educated people see ePortfolios primarily as a tool for new or ernda learning while others see them as a tool for assessment (of students and, by extension, of university programs). The difference of perspective is described as follows: "There is a great deal of tension right now between student-centered and institution-centered eportportios." She added that institution-centered portports are run by "evaluation of education". Student-centered eportportiology, on the other hand, is governed by “assessment for learning”, which refers to academic assignments that fulfill the traditional role of assessing student learning while at the same time providing students with the opportunity to learn while completing the assessment.



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