29 March 2020

Piram Bet Adventure Trip and Mud Trekking

Piram Bet Adventure Trip and Mud Trekking.

(Organized by the Physical Education department.)

The journey was started at 7:00 A.M on 2nd March 2020.

One day Piram Bet Adventure Trip and Mud Trekking camp near Ghogha (the Arabian Sea, in the Bhavnagar district ) was organized by the "physical education department"  Maharaja krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University.  the Gujarat government "Fit idea" scheme towards physical awareness. for increasing the ability of physical strength, leadership, and developing the quality. We started our journey with 80 boys(students) participated under guides  of MK Bhavnagar university   

Here I am watching this lighthouse. A few months of my childhood I spent in these lighthouse quarters. Because my maternal grandfather was working as a technical engineer assistant during that time. Very memorable days spent here. They were very close to nature in the natural environment. And all over Gujarat and Mumbai lighthouses, I used to go to their homes for a vacation. Because all lighthouse employees change every three years. When I got to Pirambat, I talked to him and I found out that he served in Pirambat in the 1980s. The memories of years gone by from the ghogha's lighthouse were fresh.

Dr. Mahipatsingh Chavda Sir (Vice-Chancellor) also came with us joined for trekking like a common man and very friendly increased our moral.

All the students who participated in the Piram Bet Adventure Trip and Mud Trekking were given by MKBU served tea and breakfast in the morning as they arrived at Pirambet.

Vasudevsinh Sarvaiya Sir.

Speaking of history here, Sarvaiya Sir said that history here is very interesting. Talking to King Mokhadaji Gohil Saheb here, know that

"સંત સુરા અને ઓલિયાના છે અહી બેસણા
યદી શીશ પડે તો ધડ લડે પરિમલથી પરખાય એ સુગંધ."

Veer Mokhadaji Gohil BC 1347

The son of Sethji, son of Gohilvan dynasty, settled in Ranpur and established the capital, then his son Mokhadji Gaddi sat.

     Pirambet (Island) is four miles from Ghogha in the Gulf of Khambhat. Pirambat lies in the sea and three miles south of the coast, in the Gohilwad (Bhavnagar) district of Saurashtra. The ruins of the castle of Peorum are still to be seen. Gujarat is located in the middle of the sea route of Saurashtra. In the Gulf of Pilgrims, the Pirambet was a place of rest for sailing vessels. ghogha captured Pirambat as his capital and left there. At that time, Mohammed-bin-Tughlaq was the king of Delhi. He ordered the general to attack Mukhadaji to attack him, and the general tried to encircle Prambat and an experienced Navy brigade defeated his invaders within days of reckoning. Then Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq himself came to Gujarat. He tried for many months to set up the turf but it did not fade. He continued to fight for days despite Mokhadaji getting injured. In the last fight, their head was separated from the torso in the cavalry, and although they fought for eight days (30 km) without a head, they fell into a pit. Now 30 km from Khoghar to Khadarpar. Happens. At that time people used to say that they fought without a head for ten grows. Even Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq was upset at this and could not sleep for several days. During the war, Tughluq, fascinated by the brave Modhaji's pride, left the island and Ghogha in the hands of the "Dungarji". "Son of the brave Mokhadaji.

Indra Gadhvi Sir

The geographical information about Gadhvi Sir Piram island said that 200 million years ago, elephants, giraffes, dinosaurs, such as here, were seen here. Here, the largest remnants of a dinosaur have been collected in theIndroda Dinosaur and FossilPark in  Gandhinagar came the fossil Park incident.

Sir, said that the island, which probably did not exist 200 million years ago, would be connected to the mainland.
The island is situated 7.2 nautical miles from Ghogha, a town and former seaport, in Bhavnagar district. The island is spread over 186 acres of land. Its shape is similar to that of a sleeper. It is 1026 meters long and 800 meters wide.

During my research, about 58 different birds, 104 vegetation were noted.
Farmed here until a few years ago, the millet market here was famous for being sweet in taste as it grew in some saline, well-fertile soil; over time the geographical location of the changing lakes, wells, dryers, and livestock of livestock like cows, oxen, etc. Placed.

The surprising thing is that blooms cannot fly for long periods of time. Reptiles, domesticated cats, snakes, Monitor lizards., etc. are also found here.

As the cherry trees are large, micro-organisms are abundantly produced around them. Because of this, foreign tourist birds come here for the food. It is especially found in the cold season in variety and in over proportion.

There are five different species of turtles that live in the sea and lay eggs in the land where the island is found to be equally decomposed. It was reported that the turtles were born due to a reflection of moonlight on the night of Poonam.

On the island, the pangs of life on the island are unique. It looks at the effect of the atmosphere. Sir exemplifies that in the "Pacific Ocean", the island called Gallopagos has the most unique organisms in the world. Similarly, Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Indian ocean are also found in special life. The specific gene structure is characterized by tens of thousands of years after the invention.

The lighthouse that was built here during the British session is currently operated by the central government. The remains of Jain temple are found.

There is a special type of current inside the tiara that is found in the first sea in the world, in the sea area called the Bermuda Triangle. It is believed that many steamers have disappeared due to the vortex being pulled into the sea. Similarly, the world's second-largest coastline with 12 nautical miles/hour currents are found near this island.

Dr.Mahipatsingh Chawda. ( Vice-Chancellor, MKBU)

Motivation talk:

Inspiring students wanted to know that you can do that now at a young age. Taking part in college adventures so as to increase your confidence, with your own example, I was guided by my example that I was the Best Shooter, Best Runner, Best Corridor in NCC in college time, Basic in Trunking, Advanced, Rock Climbing, yet Gold in BA. Archived. All of this is possible only if you have done a systematic planning life. Studying can be a successful one that is planning for the future.
Talking with the example of the bicycle, it was a problem to start learning the bicycle, but after learning to ride the bicycle, Relax can start cycling.

Participation in all entrepreneurship leads to mental development.

College time is a very important and golden period for a student. Make a good career in your life Improve the lives of you, your family.

ગુજરાતીમાં કહેવાય છેકે

પ્રથમ સુખ એ જાતે નર્યા.

That is, coordinating with yourself can help you develop your inner self.

 Healthy Body Healthy Mind.

Physical, mental, developmental and endurance and leadership qualities are developed through activities such as adventure, such as mounting, dessert tracking, Himalayan trekking mud tracking. When playing on the field, Malum will have his own qualities, powers, etc. Self-introduced charisma with his own design. Knowledge of everything else along with your subject is very useful. Social, practical knowledge is very useful. The best experience plays an important role in personal development.

Dilip Singh Gohil Sir.

Organized by the Physical Education department.

The program has been organized under Fit India, a co-sponsor of the Piram Bet Adventure Trip and Mud Trekking. I hope you have a good experience here that you will remember for a lifetime, the experiences here will provide useful guidance in your personal life. The Vice-Chancellor thanked the Chancellor for making this program a success. Collectors were prohibited from coming here 2 years ago due to a boat accident. But the Chancellor has approved the petition with the Collector. The students and the attending staff members thanked the participants.

"Piram Bet Adventure Trip and Mud Trekking" started

Vasudevsinh Sarvaiya Sir. Under the guidance of the students the "Piram Bet Adventure Trip and Mud Trekking" was started. He was very well informed throughout the area. The morale of the students was increased.


Image may contain: tree, plant, outdoor and nature
Image may contain: tree, outdoor and nature

The ancient fortress was found here, as Gadhvi Sir conveyed geographical information. Because it is commonly seen here used for the construction of stones, rocks, and forts. Due to the waves of the sea, the stones here seemed to be special individuals. Various insects such as crabs, lobsters, white snakes, dolphins also live around this wonderful island. Remains associated with history were seen here.

Pirambet (island) lighthouse.

Mr. Afroz Shaikh Lighthouse Officer, while giving information about the lighthouse said that the lighthouse was built in the time of the British. Currently, this lighthouse operates within the central government. This job of ours is connected with the Indian Navy. Now, the signal and fishing are doing at night, for this, the lights are provided here. The satellite monitoring here is Delhi-powered. Currently, most of the lights are solar-related. Simultaneously he informed about his work and the staff member there.

After a visit to the lighthouse, we went for a wonderful trek to the mud under a tree of mangroves. There is a great natural view with a combination of different landscapes like the sea. Walking in the mud and mud was a great experience, Not only mud trekking, it was a bit of a hassle to walk The sharp stones beneath the mud, but increase your mentality and physical ability. really Wonderful experience

After Mud Trekking all students and professors had a delicious lunch together. Delicious food was served by MK Bhavnagar University

मन की बात छात्र के साथ

The Honorable Vice-Chancellor sir and Registrar sir spoke to the students. Attempting to know the humanities of the students, the students were asked what you think needs to change in our university. Do students have no problem with our university? And if so how should we change it. that was a program after mud trekking.
Laljibhai, a student of the English department, spoke from his point of view about what needs to be changed at our university seminars and conferences.

The university's Vice-Chancellor sir, Registrar sir, and Professor accompanied the students to Pirambet. accompanied by a photo the students of the English department.

Sarvaiya sir stayed with the students as a friend. We had a lot of fun with them. He advised the students to wear safety life-saving jackets. He cared for the students.

We spent a memorable day.
We enjoyed the beautiful and remarkable nature of Piram island,  knowing the history of PiramBet, the unique experience of mud trekking and the adventurous of voyages.  This is very helpful in tracking to know physical abilities and mental Readiness. I heartily thank MK Bhavnagar University and “The physical Education Department” for taken responsibility.

We especially thanks to our Dean of Arts faculty, HOD of English department honorable Prof. Dr.Dilip Barad Sir for participating in the information given to us, he always engaging us in such an amazing activity.

 Photos contribution:, laljibhai baraiya, Tamsa Pandya, Amit makwana &me.

Thank you.,😊

9 March 2020

Cultural identity.

Paper:-8  Cultural Studies

Name:- Sanjaykumar N Jogadiya

Topic:- Cultural identity.


Part:- M.A. Sem-2

Submitted: Smt. S.B. Gardi Department of English M.K.Bhavnagar University.

Cultural identity is the identity or feeling of belonging to a group. It is part of a person's self-concept and self-perception and is related to nationality, ethnicity, religion, social class, generation, locality or any type of social group that has their own distinct culture. In this way, cultural identity is characteristic of both personalities, but those who belong to the same cultural identity or fitness are also culturally of the same group. Cultural (and distinctive) identity is a part of identity communication. Which establishes four "identity frames" that allow us to see how identity is formed. These frames include the personal frame, the law of the communication frame, the relationship frame and the commi frame. The communal frame refers to the cultural barrier or the sense of "right" that people live, which varies by cultural group. Therefore, cultural identity becomes central to personal identity, how they see themselves and how they relate to the world.
Cultural identity refers to a person's sense of belonging to a particular culture or group. This process involves learning and adapting to traditions, heritage, language, religion, ancestry, aesthetics, patterns of thinking, and social constructs of culture. Generally, people internalize their culture's beliefs, values, norms and social practices and identify themselves with that culture. Culture becomes part of their self-concept. However, some studies have noted that current cultural identity theory does not account for the fact that different individuals and groups cannot respond to or interpret events, events, attitudes, etc., as do other individuals or groups.

Racial identity:-
Ethnic identity is made up of personal, social, political, and culturally derived elements that are realized in some human group, which distinguishes them from magic, because identity must be consistent with the reality of a given group. Castles writes that ethnicity is becoming palliative, not as a source of identity, against race and ethnicity, but also against ethnicity. Nevertheless, the concept of racial identity, despite its destructive nature, exhibits a range of limitations imposed on those whose role it may apply to and who is eligible to interact.

Factors influencing cultural identity:-
Cultural studies have many factors influencing cultural identity, such as social, cultural, political, historical, historical and economic, as well as external factors. The number of immigrants or ethnic minorities, the scope of their residence, their homes, Factors such as the rights and resources they enjoy and their relationships with other groups also have different meanings for cultural identity. This article focuses on factors that are relevant at the individual level and which influence the formation and development of cultural identity.

Cultural difference:-
Generally speaking, the greater the difference between the two cultures, the more difficult the process of individual cultural adaptation is, which in turn affects their cultural identity. Language is a means of expressing cultural differences, people's culture is identified by language and one of them Important content in the field of cultural identity research. But the relationship between language and cultural identity has not been crucial. There are two main perspectives when examining the relationship between language and cultural identity in foreign countries. One view is that language is a major factor in cultural identity and cultural identity has a positive effect. Studies of American children show that bilingual children who understand their native language and English have higher levels of national identity than monolingual children who only know English. Secondly, there is little relation between language and cultural identity, and even if the language of a nation is lost The individual will still have a high national identity.


How strong is the bond between the individual andthe place where he or she lives: neighbourhood, city,province,  country  or  even the  surrounding  conti-nent? How willing is he or she to exchange one ofthese for another if such a move provides him or herwith a better job or better living conditions? Doesloyalty to a place constitute a barrier to mobility? Theanswers  to  these  and  related  questions  provideinsight into the relationship between the individualand a number of geographical entities, including hiscountry. On this subject some survey questions wereasked. For instance, how close did the individual feelto  various  areas  ranging  from  neighbourhood  tocontinent?2It may be useful to point out that these andother questions were subject to so-called local  adap-tationin different countries. In general this principlemeans that the formulation of questions is adapted tothe country in which the survey is being held. Ofcourse  the  adaptation  should  leave  internationalcomparability unharmed. With regard to geograph-ical  orientations,  the  concept  of  ‘province’  wassometimes used, while the word ‘state’ was insertedfor the United States. If necessary, the actual name ofthe country was mentioned. The tables in this chapterrefer to the concept of ‘continent’, whereas the worditself was not used in formulating the questions. Theresearchers  spoke  of  East  Asia,  Europe  or  NorthAmerica. Even this detailed designation is, of course,not meaningful for all the countries. The inhabitantsof Australia or the United States could well argue thattheir country corresponded more or less to a conti-nent. In this respect some care will have to be takenin interpreting the data.

Globalization in relation to ethnic identity in the Middle East:-
"Can globalization be applied as an alternative to local identity ?, and is it a process of productive interaction with that identity? Taking globalization as a historical historical trend and ideological evolution that changes the perceptions, beliefs, ideas and tastes of the people in the category that cover its culture and identity." , One can raise this question. It is reasonable to point out two sides of the coin, as the process of globalization and how it affects different areas of social life in the peripheral sphere, such as the Middle East. To differentiate it, the paper present at one level specifies a pessimistic approach to this process, which according to which globalization is understood as an imposed project. On the other hand, we specify a positive approach in the very process based on globalization is a generalized project, then the paper explores the positive and negative consequences of this project on racial identity.
The way we are going to answer this question, we can explain the clear spectrum on one end, whose globalization is thought to result in the loss of all kinds of local identity, especially ethnic identity. On the other end of the spectrum, however, we are given the impression that racial differences in globalization are produced and identities are increased. In the hope of identifying the positive constructive impacts of globalization on cultural identity, especially in general and ethnic identity.

cultural identity, which leads to differences in research design and further research conclusions. research objects, we should expand and improve relevant theories, and generalize the principle of cultural identity from the local phenomenon, reflecting the innovation of theoretical development. In summary, factors such as age, gender, socioeconomic status, cultural differences, and social support are of great significance in individual cultural identity.  Secondly, the theoretical backgrounds of developmental psychology, social psychology and cross-cultural psychology on which cultural identity depends are similar and different, but these theories are born in the Western context. The main target of attention is immigration. Therefore, it is necessary to treat differently when interpreting the cultural identity of ethnic minority groups in China. In addition, the shortcomings of these theories need to be investigated by researchers from different angles.

Works Cited

BHUGRA, DINESH and MATTHEW A BECKER. "Migration, cultural bereavement and cultural identity." World Psychiatry (205): 18–24.

Yan, Anfu. "Cultural Identity in the Perspective of Psychology." South China Normal University, (2018): 1-6.

T. S. Eliot: Tradition and Individual Talent.

Paper:-7  literary criticism

Name:- Sanjaykumar N Jogadiya

Topic:- T. S. Eliot: Tradition and Individual Talent.


Part:- M.A. Sem-2

Submitted: Smt. S.B. Gardi Department of English M.K.Bhavnagar University.

T. S. Eliot: Tradition and Individual Talent.
                         Thomas Stearns Eliot was one of the leading poets of the 20th century. He was also an essayist, publisher, playwright, and literary and social critic. His essay is an attack on some critical views of tradition and personal talent romanticism, especially on the idea that poetry is primarily an expression of the poet's personality. Elliott argues that a great poem always asserts and that the poet should develop a sense of the past. Eliot's conception of tradition takes positively as well as in a larger sense. He also pointed out that adherence to tradition is not the only slavery imitation. Countries and nations try to preserve their traditions as a legacy that is an essential part of their culture and is handed down from generation to generation. Here one should not just follow tradition but one must add something new or creative to it and write with its history. Tradition is not hereditary, but it must be achieved with much labor. So we can say that he emphasized the present with a historical and historical connotation.

Historical Sense:-

                                                                      Eliot explains the concept of tradition with the use of Historical sense.There is quote from his essay on historical sense. "The historical sense involves a perception, not only of the pastness of the past, but of its presence". Which means that It involves perception of the presence of the past not only its pastness. It is not only to know about historical fact but mainly its about that in which way people were living in the past and how that past is presented in the contemporary time. Further he says that.This historical sense, which is a sense of the timeless as well as of the temporal and of the timeless and of the temporal together, is what makes a writer traditional.  Which means that with the help of historical sense a writer can create the work which has timeless and temporal both toghther.

The Concept of Tradition:-
                          T.S. Eliot is mainly a literary tradition. Eliot thinks that the tradition of the European poet "involves, in the first place, the historical sense, which we may call nearly indispensable to anyone who would continue to be a poet beyond his twenty-fifth year; and the historical sense involves a perception, not only of the pastiness of the past, but of its presence; the historical sense compels a man to write not merely with his own generation in his bones, but with a feeling that the whole of the literature of Europe from Homer and within it the whole of the literature of his own country has a simultaneous existence and composes a simultaneous order".1 So, for Eliot, a the writer to be significant must be a conscious part of this 'simultaneous order'. Eliot further argues that what is new in literature is not an attack on this order; it modifies and enriches the existing order. -The existing monuments form an ideal order among, themselves, which is modified by the introduction of the new(the really new) work of art among them. existing order is complete before the new work arrives; for order to persist after the supervening of novelty, the whole existing order must be, if ever so slightly, altered; and 80 the relations, proportions, values of each work of art toward the whole are readjusted; and this is conformity between the old and the new. Whoever has approved this idea of order, of the form of European, of English literature, will not find it preposterous that the past should be altered by the  sent at much as the present is directed by the past". Eliot says this fairly early in his career as critic and poet. Sean Lucy says that Eliot does not change his opinion on this issue in his whole literary career. This is indeed remarkable because Eliot happens to modify or recant several views earlier held.

Tradition and Individual talent between
                      In the beginning of the critical discourse, Eliot deals with the issue of comparison between the French and the English. He makes a general reference to the French and the British poets and critics. The conflict between the French and English is well known. So, intentionally he refers to the French and says that the French writers of the time are more critical and more spontaneous than the English and the Enghsh do not have a sense of tradition. It becomes necessary for the reader to know the rivalry and make a comparison between the two groups. Such references suggest that the author knows them and it becomes obligatory for the reader to know all the writers and their works. Kind of Intertextuality: -Metatext with cataphoric reference functional Value: Through the intertextual reference to the French and the English writers, Eliot draws a comparison between the traditional rivals and makes it an emotional issue. He criticizes and comments the English poets for not being very critical and spontaneous like the French. T.S Eliot relates the concept of Tradition with Individual talent. Eliot says that Tradition comes from hard work, it was not a thing of inheritance. There required Individual talent of the poet or artist. He also speaks up on Shakespeare's talent i.e. he borrows materials from past in a different way and from that difference new Tradition was begin by breaking all the rules. Shakespeare re-adjust himself for living in the present. He doesn't only seek pastness of the past, but of its presence.

T S. Elliott's Theory of Depression Depression:
                             T.S. Elliott's critique has a significant uptick. He believes that poetry and poetry are two different things. Elliott explains his theory in two stages; "The poet's relationship with the past" and "The poem's relationship with its author."
                               Speaking of the first phase, it says that the past is never dead; It lives in the present. And if we approach an open-minded poet, "we will often find that not only the best, but also the most personal parts of his work may be those in which the deceased poet, his ancestors, reveals his immortality very vigorously." Again if he is a great poet, he changes his work on a small scale. So what's the one kind of flowing and what's inside. But while giving, he guarantees his personality, he has to suppress it while taking. The artist’s progress is a constant self-sacrifice, a constant disappearance of personality. "In his view, it is the poet's duty to leave a touch of personality in his work: and as a result a new form will emerge from the blend of past and present.
                      This brings up another aspect of his theory of frustration in which Elliott shows that the poet's greatness lies in putting his personality in his work. The poet may be interested in personal liking, dislike or something, but he should not put it in his poem. .The poet of the cast should have varied experiences that are independent and will therefore entail new combinations.
                       It is not necessary that these emotions be one's own, rather than the emotions of others. Because their mind is like a catalyst that engages them in a new form of advertising it remains unaffected at one time. May occur on the poet's experience. "But the more excellent the artist, the more completely different the man will be. There may be impressions and experiences that are of serious concern to a man, therefore, what comes up is, "Poetry is not a turning point of the spirit, but an escape from the spirit. It is not an expression of personality, but an escape from personality. "So not a poet but poetry is the focal point of 'honest criticism and sensitive appreciation.'

Eliot was a versatile genius who during his long span of productive activity achieved distinction as a poet, playwright, journalist, and critic. Eliot stands in a long line of poet-critics beginning with johnson and including such names as Dryden,Jonson,Coleridge and Matthew Arnold such critics know the mysteries of their own art and so can speak with force and conviction. Thus, Eliot’s second phase is de-personality and Impersonal is more signification in English literary criticism and theories. The essay ‘Tradition and Individual Talent’ stops at the starting of mysticism, and it can be applied by the responsible person, who really interest in poetry. It is a very hard thing to take an interest in poetry. We usually read a poem with the name and fame of the poet.


Works Cited

Frank, Armin Paul. "T. S. Eliot's Concept of Tradition and the American Background." Universitätsverlag WINTER Gmbh (1971): 151-161.

 T.S.Eliot, Selected Essaye (Faber and Faber, London, Third enlarged edition Aptil,1951 latest reprint July,1976), p. 14

Dabhi, vipul. T. S. Eliot : Tradition and Individual talent. Ed. Vipul Dabhi. 15 December 2017. 8 March 2020 <http://vipuldabhi49.blogspot.com/2017/12/t-s-eliot-tradition-and-individual.html>.

Language Lab