6 June 2021

Assignment: African Literature

Ø Name:- Sanjaykumar N Jogadiya.

Ø Subject:- The African Literature

Ø Paper No.14 

Ø Topic:- Character Analysis and Symbolic Meaning in The Swamp Dweller Play.

     Ø Part:- M.A. Sem-4

Ø RollNo.24,   

Ø EnrollmentNo:-2069108420200017

Ø  Email Id:- snjogadiya@amail.com

Ø  Submitted:- Smt. S.B. Gardi Department of  English  MK Bhavnagar  University.




Character Analysis and Symbolic Meaning in The Swamp Dweller Play.



Swamp Developers is a play written by wale Soyinka and published in 1958. The play, The Swamp Population, is a major conflict between Nigerian society and the new way of life in general in Africa. In southern Nigeria, the individual was tightly bound to his society, and with the introduction of more modern ideas, this relationship was not as consistent as before. There are three main categories of characters: parents, corrupt priests, and their followers, and constantly moving and changing individuals. In the swamp population, Soyinka explores controversial themes for a functional society such as power, social injustice, hypocrisy, oppression, and balance.The purpose of this critical analysis is to expand the boundaries of our knowledge by exploring some relevant facts and information related to the analysis of “The Swamp Dwellers”. The Swamp Dwellers was produced in London, and also in Nigeria. Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka is internationally celebrated as a playwright, poet, novelist, and literary critic of exceptional talent. His prolific and innovative work engages in social critique on many levels and is often concerned with bringing to light the corruption and contradiction found throughout Nigerian society, including both traditional and Western worldviews. Soyinka's versatile writing draws resonance from the Western literary tradition as well as from his thoughtful and thorough engagement with Yoruba mythology and symbolism. He has suffered political persecution for his criticisms of what he has felt to be morally objectionable Nigerian government policies, and for the active roles, he has taken in protesting and resisting them. In addition, he has garnered international recognition as a trenchant essayist and critic.









The Beggar,


Alu is the wife of Makuri. She is the mother of Igwezu and uch Vachik. He is about sixty years old. He believes in the custom of swamps. He thinks a river bed is the ideal wedding arrangement. It worries Uch Chichi, who lives in the city, more. He is concerned for his safety. Her anxiety makes her shoot questions. Her questions make Makuri think of her as a stupid neurotic wife. He is as hospitable as Makuri. His reaction to Kadiya's words shows that he is a traditionalist. Even though it is explicit, it is not for change. Alu's understanding of the world is very limited. Igwezuna's words about her brother uch chuki calmed her anxiety. All told, Alu is a loving and caring mother.


Makuri is the father of Igwezu and uch Vachaika. He is Alu's husband. As a husband he is arrogant. He likes to annoy his wife. Constantly quarreling with his wife is a show. He has a complete mutual understanding with his wife. He is a good host. He gives the beggar Canberry. He gives himself entirely to the serpent cult. Though he is mostly angry but he has considered for his fuck wife Aloo. It represents a note of tradition in the play. His affection for his wife is unprofessional. He is smarter than his wife. Igwezu exposes Kadia's corrupt practices. Makuri is annoyed by this. He will be afraid to face the wrath of the villagers. Soyink by Makuri emphasizes the importance and value of the marital relationship between husband and wife. He has no illusions about the character of Aw Wachik. Nor does he even have to reassure Igwezu who has returned after being betrayed by his wife Desala.


Iguazu is the son of Aloo and Makuri. They are twins with Avachik. It is the center of the play. Swamp residents are a play of revelation and are educated through experience in both Iguazu City and Swamp. The primary theme of the play is the discovery of the flaws of Iguazu's rural life and city life. Igwezu plays the role of Truth Taylor. He is a character in the play who has tasted the ups and downs of life in the village and in the city. As a swamp population it knows how life goes in the southern part of Nigeria. It is through him that Soenka criticizes Kadia's corrupt religious practices. Family relationships make sense to her. In that respect, Iguazu is unlike his brother Uch Wachik, who is a resident of the city. As a city dweller for eight months, Iguazu knows the ups and downs of city life. He knows how ruthless people like Uchik are in making money. He is broke in business. He comes back home. His land is flooded. His hopes of a good harvest have been dashed. He has been betrayed by his own brother. Desala, his wife betrayed him. He changes hands. Iguazu talks frankly with Kadiye. This reveals the serpent sect as an ointment. Igwezu welcomes modernization in the swamp. He is ready to change his mind. For all his thinking in terms of modernization, Igwezu doesn’t smoke reclaiming land from the swamp. Iguazu’s life experience, he is obsessed with both in town and in the village. It reflects critically on his situation. It casts doubt on the value system favored by the community. Going back to the city again is like going back to one of the huts. He decides to hand over the land to the beggar. He refuses the help of the beggar because he does not lead one blind man to another.


Desala does not appear as a character in the play. But, he has spoken. Deshala is the embodiment of the corrupt nature of city life. Theractor also echoes the materialistic tendencies of the townspeople. Desala married Igwezu. Igwezu was later weakened by poor returns from his business. Desala prospered in his business to uch chuchik. So, Desala leaves Igwezu and marries Avuchike. It shows how city life has become morally void.


Avachik is the twin brother of Igwezu. He does not appear as a character in the play. Having said that, Soyink has introduced the character of Avachika. He left the swamp ten years ago. The glamor of city life has changed its character. He has become a total city resident. He is in the timber business. Making money takes him off his feet. He has formed a relationship with relatives in Swamp. He is not a just man. Doing business in the city makes him ruthless and ruthless. He goes so far as to take Desala from his brother Igwezu. It's a betrayal. He cites the example of the statement “the city becomes brother against brother”. In physical appearance, Kadiye is the opposite of a beggar. It's heavy. His fingers are heavily colored. He is rich amidst poverty. He is a self-important man. As a serpent priest he has escaped the swamp inhabitants. He betrays the trust of the villagers. It promotes the serpent cult. He has taken a look at Igwezu's money. As a priest he doesn’t worry about a lot of igwezu. He exploits the villagers knowing full well that they are in troubleSoyinka satirizes the corrupt practices ail the society living in superstition living in superstition through Kadiye.

The Beggar

The Beggar comes from Bukanji in North Nigeria. He is tall and straight. His bearing is dignified. He is a devout Muslim. He is a man of independence. He is resolute in supporting himself. Though he is blind he is a very good judge of other characters in the play. Soyinka has drawn him as a contrast to Kadiye. Though he has seen adversity it has not shaken his spirits. He is full of hope. He shores up the sagging spirit of Igwezu by offering him hope. He is for redeeming a piece of land for cultivation from the swamp. He is a man of quick intelligence. He analyzes the ills of the swamp dwellers. He is ready to cast his lot with them. He braces himself to fight against those who exploit them. It is an irony that the man from the north is termed as beggar. He may be a beggar because he does not have means to support him. But his intention is to work and earn his livelihood. He is against getting alms. His self‐esteem does not allow him to beg. The Beggar is a man of self‐esteem.

The symbol for the village:

As the swamp sinks the people, a whirlwind of ignorance, superstition and frustration is drawing more and more people to the village. Because the village remains stable, while the city is constantly changing. Village People who live in the village believe in superstition, have traditional ideas, and cannot accept new ideas. They are stuck in a quagmire of superstition and old ideas.

The symbol for the city

For the city, the swamp is a symbol of spiritual destruction and immorality. This city is spiritually dead and it draws people into it. Youth sewer instead of city. The city swallows Uch Wachik, he robs his daughter Igwezu and finally, Igwezu returns to the city. The irony is that the choice for the younger generation is between two swamps; In one village and in another city. In this play, the swamp is a fitting symbol of degeneration and rejection of life. The land, therefore, seems to be crying out for redemption and people need resurrection but are unable to bring themselves.



The Swamp Dwellers examines the suffering and hardships of the people living in Nigeria-Delta. The suffering of the Nigerian people has been guided by federal thoughtlessness and domination. The purpose of writing this story is to keep the focus on the society operating through modification between the city and the country. Although there are many characters in the story, the main theme revolves around the story of a woman named Alu. Through the character of Alu, the author has presented the concept of aspiration and determination, especially focusing on women. The story also contrasts the differences between the traditions and modernity of living in southern Nigeria


Work sitetion Wole Soyinka’s Art of Characterization in the Play The Swamp Dwellers. Ed. Literacle editors. 14 October 2012. 06 April 2019 <https://literacle.com/wole-soyinkas-art-of-characterization-in-the-play-the-swamp-dwellers/>.


Articles, Literary. Wole Soyinkas Art of Characterization in the Play The Swamp Dwellers. 14 October 2012. 09 March 2020 <https://literacle.com/wole-soyinkas-art-of-characterization-in-the-play-the-swamp-dwellers/>.


Nwosu, Canice and Chinonye Marchie. From Worship to Commodification: Wole Soyinka and Sanctity of the Sacred. June 2015. 19 March 2018 <http://ijaahnet.com/journals/ijaah/Vol_3_No_1_June_2015/7.pdf>.

The swamp dwellers. 19 March 2018 <https://sites.google.com/site/theswampdwellers/the-beggar>.



Assignment: Mass Communication and Media Studies


Ø Name:- Sanjaykumar N Jogadiya.

Ø Subject:- Mass Communication and Media Studies

Ø Paper No.15

Ø Topic:- Functions of Mass Communication

     Ø Part:- M.A. Sem-4

Ø RollNo.24,   

Ø EnrollmentNo:-2069108420200017

Ø  Email Id:- snjogadiya@amail.com

Ø  Submitted:- Smt. S.B. Gardi Department of  English  MK Bhavnagar  University.

Functions of Mass Communication




Communication is vital for human existence, and for the progress of humanity. No society can move ahead without interacting with others. It is difficult for a person to survive a single day without interacting with others. Solitary confinement is the biggest punishment a person can ever receive in a lifetime. We all know that mass communication is a process of sharing messages to a large number of audiences through some forms of technology at a time. And some forms of technology used to spread messages is the media. The primary functions of communications are to inform, instruct, educate, entertain and influence or persuade people. Besides these primary functions, communication has some secondary functions such as debates, discussions, cultural promotion etc. The focus of functionalism is on how mass communication serves society and fails to account for how humans interact with mass communication and construct meanings from messages. The focus on maintaining the existing social order and not allowing for any meaningful change has also been criticized.



1. Information Function

Quality of life will be poor without information. The more informed we are the more powerful we become. The first function of mass communication is to serve as the eyes and ears for those seeking information about the world. The internet, televisions, and newspapers are the main sources for finding out what’s going around you.Society relies on mass communication for news and information about our daily lives, it reports the weather, current issues, the latest celebrity gossip, and even start times for games.

Communication provides information about our surroundings. Information updates us on various matters related to our day today activities. Information related to health, wars, danger, crisis etc are important for the safety and well being of our life.

2. Education and Instruction Function

Education starts early in life, at home and in school and continues throughout the life. Communication provides knowledge, expertise and skill for smooth functioning by people in the society. It creates awareness and gives opportunity to people to actively participate in public life.

3. Entertainment Function

Entertainment is an essential part of everybody’s life today. Communication provides endless entertainment experience through films, television, radio drama, literature, comedy, games etc. Media outlets such as People Magazine, TMZ, and entertainment blogs such as Perez Hilton keep us up to date on the daily comings and goings of our favorite celebrities. We use technology to watch sports, go to the movies, play video games, watch YouTube videos,  on a daily basis. Most mass communication simultaneously entertains and informs. People often turn to media during our leisure time to provide an escape from boredom and relief from the predictability of our everyday lives. We rely on media to take us places we could not afford to go or imagine, acquaints us with bits of culture, and make us laugh, think or cry. Entertainment can have the secondary effect of providing companionship and/or catharsis through the media we consume.

4. Persuasion function

Communication helps to change attitudes and also reinforce or strengthen existing values and beliefs. Communication helps in reaching a decision in public policy, so that it helps to govern people. Political leaders persuade voters to vote in favor of their respective political party through various campaigns, leaflets, booklets etc.

5. Cultural promotion function

Communication provides an opportunity for transmission of cultural heritage; promotion and preservation of culture and tradition. It makes the people fulfill their creative urges. There is an old saying in the news industry “if it bleeds, it leads,” which highlights the idea of Sensationalization. Sensationalization is when the media puts forward the most sensational messages to titillate consumers. Elliot observes, “Media managers think in terms of consumers rather than citizens. Good journalism sells, but unfortunately, bad journalism sells as well. And, bad journalism-stories that simply repeat government claims or that reinforce what the public wants to hear instead of offering independent reporting -is cheaper and easier to produce”

6. Integration function

It is through communication large number of people across the world come to know about each other’s tradition and learn to appreciate their way of life. It develops integration and tolerance towards each other. Mass communication functions to validate the status and norms of particular individuals, movements, organizations, or products. The validation of particular people or groups serves to enforce social norms.

 The media validates particular cultural norms while diminishing differences and variations from those norms. A great deal of criticism focuses on how certain groups are promoted, and others marginalized by how they are portrayed in mass media.


7. Discussion Function

Debates and discussions clarify different viewpoints on issues of interest to the people. Mass communication functions to validate the status and norms of particular individuals, movements, organizations, or products. The validation of particular people or groups serves to enforce social norms. The media validates particular cultural norms while diminishing differences and variations from those norms. A great deal of criticism focuses on how certain groups are promoted, and others marginalized by how they are portrayed in mass media. Through communication, we find out reasons for varying viewpoints and impart new ideas to others. Types of communication The act of communication can be categorized on the basis of 1).how many people are involved in the process, 2) signs and symbols we use in communication. Based on the number of persons involved in communication, it is classified as follows,

A properly evaluated, wisely selected, and correctly prescribed mass media – newspaper, radio, and TV. Teaching is an exciting and challenging career, full of personal rewards and a chance to encourage and support others to achieve their maximum potential. We get great deals of information from the different forms of media such as newspapers, films and documentaries, journals, radio, motion pictures, and more. Mass media plays a vital role in forming and reflecting public opinion, connecting the world to individuals, and reproducing the self-image of society. The mass media still plays a vital role in the social learning process and has power over how individuals acquire new ideas, attitudes and change direction in society. Mass communication doesn’t exist for a single purpose. With its evolution, more and more uses have developed and the role it plays in our lives has increased greatly. Wright characterizes seven functions of mass communication that offer insight into its role in our lives.

Assignment: ELT-2, ePortfolios


 Ø Name:- Sanjaykumar N Jogadiya.

Ø Subject:- ELT-2

Ø Paper No.16

Ø Topic:- ePortfolios

     Ø Part:- M.A. Sem-4

Ø RollNo.24,   

Ø EnrollmentNo:-2069108420200017

Ø  Email Id:- snjogadiya@amail.com

Ø  Submitted:- Smt. S.B. Gardi Department of  English  MK Bhavnagar  University.

ePortfolios comes in the form of a theory of learning called social creativity, which in part suggests that when students create systems of knowledge for themselves, it simply happens to be effective, rather than simply presenting information. Social creativity also suggests that another determinant of effective learning is that it takes place in a social context - that is, we bind our knowledge through dialogue and interaction with others. With ePortfolios, the process of reflection emerges as a stand-alone activity, but through the feedback loop the student's instructor, peers, mentors, and family members also reflect and provide comments about that reflection. Creating and sharing an e-portfolio with others is like telling a story: the story of one's learning journey. Some educated people see ePortfolios primarily as a tool for new or ernda learning while others see them as a tool for assessment (of students and, by extension, of university programs). The difference of perspective is described as follows: "There is a great deal of tension right now between student-centered and institution-centered eportportios." She added that institution-centered portports are run by "evaluation of education". Student-centered eportportiology, on the other hand, is governed by “assessment for learning”, which refers to academic assignments that fulfill the traditional role of assessing student learning while at the same time providing students with the opportunity to learn while completing the assessment.



Qr Cord e-portfolioe







Qr Cord Feedback Form

Assignment: New Literature


Ø Name:- Sanjaykumar N Jogadiya.

Ø Subject:- The New Literature

Ø Paper No.13

Ø Topic:- Justify of The Title: Da Vinci Code;

              And Daniel Brown Use Symbols.

     Ø Part:- M.A. Sem-4

Ø RollNo.24,   

Ø EnrollmentNo:-2069108420200017

Ø  Email Id:- snjogadiya@amail.com

Ø  Submitted:- Smt. S.B. Gardi Department of  English  MK Bhavnagar  University.




Dan Brown's full name is Dan Gerhard Brown. Dan Brown was born on June 22, 1964, in Exeter, New Hampshire, USA. Mystery and Robert Langdon, "Angel and Demons", "The Da Vinci Code", "Inferno", "The Lost Symbol" and "Thriller Series". Original ”. His novels are about conspiracy theory, symbols, keys, cryptography, codes and art. Many novels have been adapted into films such as The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons and Inferno. And his books have been translated into 57 languages. In addition, his books The Vinci Code and Angels and Demons were very controversial because of the interpretation of Christianity, for example the interpretation of Mary Magdalene. He is an American author who wrote well-researched novels that penetrated into secret organizations and had complex plots. He was known for the Robert Langdon series, including The Da Vinci Code (2003). In 2005, Brown was named one of Time Magazine's 100 Most Influential People in the World.


Justify of The Title: Da Vinci Code.

Robert Langdon has a history of controversy over the title - last year, it erupted in the Vatican. After a while, Langdon slammed the door again to let the guest know he was going to his room. The visitor, an agent with the French Judicial Police, questions Lechden about his previous plans to meet with his acquaintance Jack Sr. for a drink after the speech. Langdon says that Saunir made him stand. Agent tells Langdon that the senior is dead and shows him a picture of the senior's body, which is arranged in a special way. Langdon was terrified and even frightened - he saw that a corpse had been arranged in the same way before, and that led to the Vatican incident. Dan Brown really talks about Jesus marrying Mary Magdalene; But this truth had to be suppressed. It had to be bent. In fact, Dan Brown says there are all sorts of documents that he will prove, but they are hidden and no one could find them, which is kind of interesting.


              In the Louvre, a monk named Silas grabbed the museum's curator, Jack Sawyer, and demanded to know where the Holy Grail was. After the seniors told him, Silas shot him and killed him. However, San Nair has lied to Silas about Grail's location. Realizing that he has a few minutes to live and that he must pass on his important secret, Sun Near paints a pile of pants on his stomach with his own blood, draws a circle with his blood, and pulls himself back into the center of the circle. Dr. Creation of the position of Vinci's Vitruvian Man. It also leaves the code, one line of the number and two lines of text with invisible ink. Jerome Colette, a police detective, calls Robert Langdon, the protagonist of the story and a professor of symbolology, and asks him to come to the Louvre to try to interpret the scene. Langdon has not yet realized he suspects murder himself.

              After assassinating the senator, Silas calls him a "teacher" and tells him that, according to the senator, there is a key stone in the Saint-Saint-Sulpis of Pa Church. The teacher sends Silas there. Silas follows the senior key to Keystone's location and discovers that he has been betrayed. In a fit of rage, he assassinated Sister Sandrin Bell, pastor of the church, and Srindri of Prairie S. Sion. In the Louvre, Langdon meets police captain Jerome Colette and Bezu Fetch and realizes that two policemen suspect murder on them. Dan Brown refuses to accept the idea that faith in God is in ignorance of truth. The ignorance that is sometimes advocated by the church is embodied in the character of Bishop Eringorosa, who does not think the church should be involved in scientific investigation. According to the Da Vinci Code, the Church has also applied ignorance about the existence of the lineage of Jesus. Although Langdon says at one point in the novel that perhaps the mysteries of the Grail should be let people believe, he believes that those who truly believe in God will not be able to accept this biblical idea literally. Truth text. People’s faith can, in other words, oppose the truth.

          The Da Vinci Code raises the question of whether history books necessarily tell the only truth. The novel is full of re-sections of commonly told stories in life such as Jesus, Pentacle and Da Vinci Fresco The Last Supper. Brown provides his own explanation of how he compiled the Bible and what the missing gospels are. Langdon also interprets the Disney movie The Little Mermaid, which he retries as Disney's attempt to show the lost divine femininity. All of these retailers are presented as at least partially true. The characters in the Da Vinci Code ignore the power of women at their peril. Throughout the novel, Sophie is underestimated. He is able to sneak into the Louvre and deliver a secret message to save Langdon from his clutches, as Fach does not believe he is capable of doing his job. While Sophie and Langdon are questioning their ability to get rid of Interpol, Fash specifically calls Sophie a "female cryptologist." While interpreting a hint hidden in the rose bunks, Langdon and Tabing leave Sophie, her perfect patron. When she is finally allowed to see the key, she immediately understands how to interpret it. Sophie saved Langdon from arrest several times. Other women are similarly underestimated. Sister Sandrin is sent to the church Saint-Saint-Sulpis for fraternity, but Silas, passing us, apparently, implied masculinity, considers her no danger.


Red Hair:  

Red hair is stand for Holy Blood. In the book Dan Brown used the character of Sophie Neveu as bloodline of Mary Magdalene. Robert Langdon praises her red Hair. So, it is said that Marry Magdalene also had a red hair and it represent the Holy Blood. Hence, Brown rationalizes this symbol to connect Sophie as descendent of Marry Magdalene.


Saunier’s Knight: The Knight sits in the office of Jaques Saunier an ironic symbol used by Brown. Knight is supposed to protect the Holy Grail but this Knight which Teabing has bugged betrays the Grail. So, here Brown connects this Knight with sir Teabing and conveys that all knights are not trusted because like Teabing, people are trustworthy. At first glance Teabing seems good person but when plot moves his identity turn into cheats. Hnce novel says that things are not always what they seem.


Holy Grail :

The Grail is the symbol of the hidden Spiritual truth of Christianity. In the novel it is not the cup Jesus used at the last supper, as tradition holds. Rather it is something entirely different that would have earth-shattering repercussions in the world if it were revealed. Mary Magdalene, the disciple of Jesus who bore his child. As a symbol of spiritual truth, the Holy Grail also exemplifies the Sacred feminine.



Images of rose occur throughout the text. Roses appear as engraved symbols, as supposed decorations, and even as direction leading to the Grail. The Rose is also represented in a more abstract from, such as the pentacle and the star of David. In all cases the rose refers to divine feminine, especially to Mary Magdalene.

Roses are a traditional gift symbolizing romantic love. They have different meanings depending on their color, the white rose is symbolic of innocence and the feminine and the red rose, true love and the masculine, in The a Da Vinci code a pink rose has been used to signify a graceful merging of both feminine and masculine.



Blood stands for truth  in The DA Vinci Code. Saunière draws a pentacle—for him, a symbol of the Church’s intention to cover up the true history of the world—on his stomach in his own blood. Sophie realizes that her grandfather has left a message for her on the Mona Lisa because a drop of his blood remains on the floor. Teabing spies a trickle of blood on Silas’s leg, which he takes to mean that Silas has a cilice, a barbed punishment belt, on his thigh, and disables him by hitting him there. Silas himself had thought of blood as truth in a different way—for Silas, blood means cleansing of impurities. And at the very end of the novel, the discovery of the blood of Mary Magdalene running through Sophie and her brother’s veins proves that the story of the Grail is true.

Mona Lisa painting:  

An expression of the artist's beliefs in "The Holy Woman". A secret reference to the Egyptian gods Amon and Isis symbol: "Mona" and "Lisa" It is drawn as Mona Lisa in the church's repression on the true identity of Mary Magdalene. The Mona Lisa is not a person, but a secret information about the Egyptian gods Amon and Isis. Mona is the anagram and Lisa Isa means the contraction of Isis. In the novel, Professor Robert Langdon reveals the mystery that Da Vinci drew the Mona Lisa in protest of the Church's repression of Mary Magdalene's true identity.



Vitruvian Man:  

The work of the ancient Roman architect Vitruvius, the opening scene of the novel, the Sunnier's body found naked in the Louvre, and the mystery of solving Da Vinci's mystery like the Vitruvin Man, the creative genius, art, music, film and literature.



Symbol of beauty and perfection and is associated with the Goddess and the holy woman Stability and Body The All, Spirit, Divine. Intelligence and the Arts. The importance of balance and harmony between all the peoples of the earth and humanity and the natural world

Priory of Sion: 


The Priory of Sion is a secret society purportedly founded in the 11th century, its alleged purpose to preserve and protect the original precepts of Christianity while also acting as the guardian of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene’s sacred bloodline. Documentaries and books by writers Henry Lincoln, Michael Baigent, and Richard Leigh. From the moment of its release "The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail" caused a great deal of controversy. In this provocative book, the authors stated “There was a secret order behind the Knights Templar, which created the Templars as its military and administrative arm. This order, which has functioned under a variety of names, is most frequently known as the Prieure de Sion (Priory of Sion). The Prieure de Sion has been directed by a sequence of Grand Masters whose names are amongst the most illustrious in Western history and culture.



Dan Brown has great interest in the puzzles and codes from the childhood so he used these all things in the conspiracy novel to read history of Christianity. Interestingly, he used all the things with rationality and logically so people can reread the history of Christianity in different way or we can say alternative story of Christianity. da Vinci code one  that study of symbols metaphors is best way to learn something apart from having bulky Books. it gives me clear insight , clear vision how to Study historical places, locations how to connect symbols with information. if I share my personal experience then I found this kind of case study and the solution of historical case , pop up the understanding Human psychology in better way. it shape me like every mysterious things has certain history. To sum up, we can say that the novel is all about the symbols, codes, cryptic language and anagrams which are used by Dan Brown rationally and logically to interpret Christianity.

Work citation

      Dan Brown. n.d. 28 February 2021 <https://danbrown.com/#author-section>.

      Encyclopedia, The Editors of. Britanica.Com. 18 June 2020. 28 February 2021 <https://www.britannica.com/biography/Dan-Brown>.

      Da Vinci Code. By Akiva Goldsman . Dir. Ron Howard. Perf. Tom Hanks, et al. Prods. Brian Grazer and John Calley. Sony Pictures, 2006.

Language Lab