13 January 2021

Web 2.0 ELT

What is Web 2.0? In ELT?


Describe Web 2.0 and you are likely to understand what it is. The exact definition remains open for discussion - and in some ways it is right. This is very clear: Web 2.0 represents a significant change in the way digital information is created, distributed, stored, distributed and manipulated. In the years to come, it will have a significant impact on how businesses use IT applications, both on the Internet and at the enterprise level.


It is a simplified version of the first World Wide Web, characterized by changes in dynamic or user-generated content and social media in the development of static. The concept behind Web 2.0 refers to a rich web application, web-oriented architecture and social web. It refers to a change in the way web pages are designed and used, without any changes to any technical features.


As the name suggests, Web 2.0 offers a set of next-generation Internet technologies. These protocols and tools make it easy to build traditional online applications that behave as dynamically as traditional PC-based software. They are also very social, encouraging users to manipulate and communicate content in new ways. Web 2.0 provides computing power to desktops and the Internet, meaning that PCs spend less time and money on software administration. As a general rule, Web 2.0 devices are less expensive than traditional software - and many are free. Because it is web based, you need to start with an advanced browser.

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