Ranganathan sir started with human conditioning which does not allow The idea of
a new modern nation-state is being redefined. The state is a fixed
geographical area but the nation is not a fixed entity. Is a nation Imagine.
Periodically the visualization of the nation changes.
At the very beginning of the session or a lecture he throws some light on the
different binaries between colonialism and postcolonialism. where he talked about colonialism and postcolonialism are
itself is opposite things and it includes two main factors like he referred
Ania Loomba's book
The master then discusses the human will which
can be positive or negative. There is a will Something that we have. Lack of
will in philosophical terms tends to be good for the OS but in terms of
psychoanalysis, if your will is not that dangerous. The notion of binaries
should not be considered in postcolonial literature and black skin goes
beyond the phenom binary in a white mask. This is in the text Mayotte, a black
woman who wanted a white man because she lacked whiteness and could fulfill her
desire with a white man. He did not get what he wanted. Sexual desire is never
based on skin color. No matter the color, there is a biological connection that
goes beyond color. Body-color is not seen as biological Cultural. There are two
dimensions to a black man, first, he treats black, or second, he treats white. Is
global in terms of sexuality, So there is no biological basis for sexual
desire. Are hybridized in culture or in humans. The white man has a
relationship with the black and thus the child there
as a hybrid identity this is all about the power game, why do we value white
skin because once we colonize through white skin and this idea is still pending
In our minds. Humans have a dependency complex, dependent on one another.
Mayotte relied on White Man to free himself from social pressure. We Never
think about Negro God, we have given special category and prayed to white god
in the house. ‘Kali’ is not kept in the house. She is the goddess of Agori,
also the black magician Praying for Kali. In this way, we have given a lower
quality place to black. Sir has also discussed the middle class, which never
comes out of the middle position Due to lack of revolution. There are a lot of
authoritative things that Sir has taught.
settlement in a new country a body of people who set up in a new locality
forming a community subject to 200 connected with their parent state the
community is so formed consisting of the original settlers and their
descendants and successors, as long as the connection with the parent state kept
up" -Ania loomba colonial and postcolonialism Anya lumber view about
colonialism and postcolonialism.
is a physical occupation of territory and postcolonialism deals with the effect of
colonization on culture and societies.
The Oxford dictionary defines imperial as pertinent to empire and imperialism
as a rule and an emperor especially when despotic and arbitrary. This word is
coined by British prime Minister Benjamin.
it is a set of norms and laws disconnected with colonialism.
it is a mental condition which uniform of discourses.
this mention statement he added some historical contributors in his speech such
as Edward said, Homi k Bhabha gaytri spiwak, Ranjit guava they were The
scholars of colonial studies. They made a remarkable contribution in the
concept of
a better understanding of this aspect he presents very relevant example of
early 19 century book "Empire Right Back by Bill Ashcroft" which
defines postcolonial subject form at the moment of post colonial studies come
to in practicality , time with creating a binary which makes huge difference
Pre-independence -Colonial
Post-independence- Postcolonial
writings in colonial studies creates a change in sensibility in the world. It
is has no clear demarcation of time
periods, but the change the sensibility towards post colonial studies is
reflect economical state of particular country.
For putting premise towards periodization Ranganathan sir connect this
with Indian reference of Gandhi and he said that Gandhi's "Hind
Swaraj" or Indian home rule is the text of postcolonial time.
may discourage of society over language, during the post-colonial reading the
very question of WHAT MAKES YOU COLORED?
stands strongly and the hypothesis is that it would be the CULTURE, LANGUAGE,
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