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Maharaja Krishnakumar Singhji Bhavnagar University at , Head of English Department Dr. Dilip Barad sir, This work given to students by blog view the blog.
Here is how modern-day people believe in smallpox
The small fast is observed on the seventh day of the dark fortnight in the seventh fast. On this day, the worship of Shitalmata is done after bathing with cold water. A cold meal is taken during the day. The little one, known as the Shitala Shasta, is dedicated to God Shitla. Goddess of Pox and Orie. It is celebrated for the welfare of children and others and for the avoidance of oars and smallpox.
In the Skanda Purana, it is written that the donkey is a carriage of cold. Sheetalmata holds a broom in her hand and a pot of water in her other hand. The one who observes the coolant vow is bathing in the river or in the lake. There the image (idol) of Shitaladevi is placed on the bank of the river or lake. Chitladevi is offered cooked food and ghee. Eat cold food these days; Food that was cooked the previous day (cooked on the sixth or sixth). For vratadhari (who observes this vow), it is forbidden to eat hot or hot food on this day.
Those who can afford it can create a golden image of Shitaladevi and put the image of the goddess on the eight-winged lotus flower together with the image of the vehicle (donkey). Worship and worship Shitladevi as my pranam with palms attached. In some places, people offer raw flour and gourd (dal) as an offering to God. It is customary to eat only one meal on the day of smallpox.
History of Smallpox
Origin of smallpox
The origin of the smallpox is unknown. Smallpox is believed to be around the 3rd century BCE (before the Common Era) in the Egyptian Empire, which is based on smallpox-like spots found on three mummies. The earliest written description of a disease that is clearly seen in smallpox appeared in the fourth century CE (the common age) in China. Early written descriptions also appeared in India in the 7th century and Asia Minor in the 10th century.
Spread of cold
Over the centuries the global spread of smallpox can be traced to the culture and exploration and expansion of trade routes.
Hist Historical Highlights:
6th Century - Increasing trade with China and Korea introduces smallpox to Japan.
7th century - Arab expansion spreads smallpox across North Africa, Spain, and Portugal.
11th century - The crusade spread smallpox across Europe.
15th Century - Portuguese occupation introduces smallpox into parts of West Africa.
16th Century - European colonization and the African slave trade imports smallpox into the Caribbean and Central and South America.
17th Century - European colonization imports smallpox into North America.
18th Century - Research by Great Britain introduces smallpox into Australia.
"cold food"
Our definition for "cold food" is not clear so I will try to cover as much as possible.
First, eating anything too cold will stimulate your digestive system, especially your stomach. You may also experience abdominal pain or diarrhea as your body tries to get out of the diet.
If you cook a dish that means cooked and refrigerated, you may get infected with bacteria. Not only do microorganisms kill in the refrigerator, but instead slow down their growth and reproduction. As a result, there may be many bacteria on your diet when you take it out of the fridge and re-warm it before consuming.
Should be used only
If you mean that the food is cooked or not cooked at all, you can easily get sick because of insects or parasites. In addition to the bacteria that can cause you diarrhea and other illnesses, unclean meat may contain parasitic eggs or larvae, most of them are tapeworms and roundworms. Eating raw and you can find these parasites in your body to stay healthy, which is very dangerous to health (can be fatal).
So eating cold food, in general, is a bad idea.
Vitamin B12 or B9 (commonly called folate) deficiency anemia occurs when a lack of vitamin B12 or folate causes the body to produce abnormally large red blood cells that can't function properly.
Red blood cells carry oxygen around the body using a substance called hemoglobin.
Anemia is the general term for having either fewer red blood cells than normal or having an abnormally low amount of hemoglobin in each red blood cell.
There are several different types of anemia, and each one has a different cause. For example, iron deficiency anemia, which occurs when the body doesn't contain enough iron.
How many people have died of smallpox so far? Click here to know
Edward Jenner:

Edward Jenner was born on May 17, 1749, in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, the son of the Rev. Stephen Jenner, Vicar of Berkeley. Edward became orphaned at the age of 11 and moved in with his older brother. During his elementary school years, Edward developed a strong interest in science and nature that continued throughout his life. At the age of 13 he entered the country surgeon and apothecary in Sodbury, near Bristol
Edward Jenner was a renowned physician. His name is also famous in the world as he invented a smallpox vaccine. With the discovery of Edward Jenner, millions of people are recovering from deadly disease like smallpox and enjoying their lives.
If not Edward Jenner, today 15 million people worldwide die from smallpox each year. In the nineteenth century, the epidemic of epidemics spread worldwide, especially in Europe. At this time, the British physician Edward Jenner considered treating these patients. He noted that the milkweeds that once had cowpox in the cow were much less affected by the effect of smallpox. He studied smallpox found in cows.

He drained the cows' ulcer from a small cavity and injected it into the body of a boy. The boy had a fever for some time, but he soon recovered. Jenner then decided to try another adventure, and he took some liquid from the body ulcer of the person suffering from smallpox, and applied it to the boy's body, now that the boy was no longer suffering from smallpox.
Jenner then used this experiment to protect her patients from the dangers. After that, these practices paved the way for vaccines and gave mankind freedom from many deadly pandemics. Smallpox is now completely eliminated worldwide. Credit goes to Edward Jenner.
Thank you.
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